
When we say dental implants, we don’t usually know that there are different types of dental implants. Aside from the famous Titanium, we also have the Zirconia Dental Implants which is also becoming famous nowadays.

We are able to compare these 2 so that we will all be knowledgeable on what to choose between these 2 types of dental implants. First, we have the titanium which is widely known in dentistry services and most dentists have been using this since 1960’s.

Titanium has been known to be strong and light weight and less toxic which is compatible with our body and has a success rate of 95%. It could also last up to 30 years.

On the other side, we have the Zirconia which is an alternative to titanium dental implants in North Sydney which was just recently used in the U.S since 2007.

Advantages of Zirconia are:

  • no chance of metal allergy
  • shorter surgery as it is only in one piece
  • it is in white colour that looks like a natural teeth or aesthetically appealing

What is the best material for dental implants Sydney? Titanium vs. Zirconia Dental Implants. With all the pros and cons of dental implant surgery we should focus on which is the best material to be used for the treatment.Types of dental implants available in North Sydney

Both implant materials are used and are always being considered to be effective. According to research, it says that both titanium and zirconia are bio inert materials which mean it is acceptable by our body.

Dental implants in North Sydney are normally composed of professional dentists or highly skilled professionals that could help you decide on which treatment would be better for you. These dedicated dentists are able to help you maintain a healthy oral hygiene.

Most people are still choosing Titanium because it is long lasting and will be cost-effective in the long run.



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