Lip Augmentation at North Sydney Dentistry

Indicative example of Lip Augmentation results: (note that result varies from individual to individual)

Many of us want beautiful smile. There is one thing too often forgotten by highly skilled cosmetic dentists, our lips. One must remember that our teeth are enveloped by our lips, and beautiful people often have beautiful lips to complement their smiles, such as some of the most beautiful celebrities: Marilyn Monroe, Charlize Theron, Keira Knightly, Angelina Jolie, and Scarlet Johanson.

Lip augmentation has long been considered to be within the realm of plastic surgery, but with evolution in material science, non-surgical lip augmentation is now becoming more and more popular. Traditional permanent fillers such as latex and silicon are being phased out by short-term injectable fillers for some significant advantages – reversibility, minimal scarring, and biocompatibility. One of the most common problems seen in using permanent fillers is displacement, where the material gets displaced from site of placement, creating sagging, distorted lips. The second common issue is biocompatibility, where the material can create irritation in our tissues, such as seen in some terrible cosmetic mishaps played in television documentaries.

Hyaluronic acid is a component that is naturally produced by the skin. With the years our skin produces less hyaluronic acid, which is the result of normal aging process. Your skin becomes thinner and as a result, it becomes loose and starts to wrinkle. This reduction in skin volume can make your face look thin and narrow, possibly making you appear older than you are.

At North Sydney Dentistry and Hornsby Dental we perform Lip Augmentation and wrinkle reduction with Esthelis(TM)and Fortelis(TM) Hyaluronic Acid from Anteis Switzerland.

With the aid of such safe materials, we are able to reduce wrinkles, smokers lines, as well as enhance the contour and volume of your lips, enveloping your beautiful smile with beautiful lips. With reversibility of the material, should one wish to undo such work, the material will be absorbed by our own body, leaving no scar tissues and allergy reactions in our face.

Our knowledge in dental aesthetic and facial anatomy, as well as training for dental injections, will ensure your safety during the administration of medication in delicate areas such as your lips and face.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call North Sydney Dentistry on 8090 1108 or e-mail us at or


Lip Augmentation